Well i am going to take some advice from some people i know and start this blog.... hopefully to get out pictures and information about my journey through baking and cake decorating. I've been getting busier and busier and this is a great way to post pictures and the stories behind them. Follow along, hopefully I'll update each new cake... But anyways here's the story of how this all began.
My mom worked for a catering company for many years and naturally I got a job there as well. After helping her in the kitchen iIrealized my huge desire to bake! Mostly because I love to eat the things I make but also because I loved how beautiful baked good could be! Also as a girl I can always remember watching my mom and grandma cook and bake up a storm so it was just a natural part of me. Often, I would see books and pictures and TV shows of people making sweet treats and would think 'I can do that' so I did. Now this is not to be said that everything I make is perfect. I am the queen of burning things because I get distracted, and everyone always knows when I've been up to some baking because I have to burn marks on my arm to prove it!

Anyways, so this baking thing took over my life for pe

riod of time and I realized how much I really loved it! I was given a few opportunities at the catering company I worked for to make some wedding cakes (see sides) and realized I had a talent. I really enjoyed making these (even if it caused me huge stress in the process, I am too much of a perfectionist in some things) and I needed to do more.
But eventually off I went to college in Calgary, and then back home to Lethbridge and got my Office Admin Diploma, worked at a golf course, doing nothing baking related, had the time of my life, then i got a 'real' job and slowed down my pace a little (i think i was 20... geez, I'm an old soul).
I've done lots of fun things, a mothers day tea at the school, and numerous birthday cakes! I am so lucky to have people to support me in what I love to do, especially my great boyfriend Corey who eats my mistakes, puts up with the messes in the kitchen, and most of all supports me no matter what.
From now on every cake I do I am going to post up here with a short story about it so I can share what I do to more people. If you are interested keep posted!